Friday, May 31, 2013


About this time last year The first CDT cohort wrote their long reports.  Some people, myself included, chose to use the university's LaTeX thesis class.  Which is a great resource for thesis writing, however is not quite designed for End of year reports.  To remedy this I modified some of the style information in the muthesis.cls file to make it more appropriate for an end of year report.  The changes made are as follows:

  • On the title page, the text 'A thesis submitted to the UoM for the degree of doctor of philosophy' has been changed to read 'An end of year report submitted to the UoM'
  • The word count at the end of the contents page was removed (this was a personal style choice)
  • On the Abstract page, the word 'thesis' is modified to read 'end of year report' similar to the first point above.  Also I changed the ordering here from:  Title, Author, Specification to Title, Specification, Author.
  • The declaration was removed as this felt out of tone for an end of year report and is not required by the formal specification.
The file is available from the resources page. It will download as a tar archive, which can be unpacked using the command:

tar -xf eoy.tar.gz

Once this has been done the latex file should compile straight away using the command:

pdflatex EOY.tex

You can then view the resulting pdf in EOY.pdf

Hope this is a helpful resource in writing end of year reports.  If you want a hand to modify the style file further then let me know.  I'm happy to assist where I can.

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